"Nutri" WISEMEAL with plum for protein - rich meal replacement smoothie - WISEMEAL

Sabalansēts uzturs

Pārtikas zinātnieku izstrādāts produkts ar visiem organismam nepieciešamajiem uzturvielām

Gatavs <1 min.

1 iepakojums = 1 maltīte, pievienojiet ūdeni vai pienu, samaisiet un ieslēdziet enerģiju jebkurā laikā un vietā

Ilgstoša enerģija

Saglabā sāta sajūtu 3-5 stundas, dabīgas garšas no īstiem augļiem, ogām, gluda tekstūra

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ar visām uzturvielām, kas nepieciešamas produktīvai dienai

Plant-Powered Nutrition

Sourced from trusted, EU-based suppliers, ensuring only the highest quality natural, raw ingredients. Our production follows the strictest HACCP standards, prioritizing safety and purity at every step.

Rich & Complete Protein

Our plant-powered meals include a perfect blend of pea and rice protein, offering a complete amino acid profile. These proteins are easily digestible, support muscle growth and recovery, and help maintain healthy bones. Plus, they’re allergen-friendly and 100% vegan.

High in Fiber

Fiber is crucial for maintaining digestive health, supporting gut microbiota, and keeping you feeling full and satisfied. Our fiber-rich blend from natural sources like inulin, oats, and dates powder promotes better digestion, stable energy levels, and long-lasting satiety—making it an excellent choice for those on the go.

Vitamin D3 (50% RDA)

Vitamin D3 (50% RDA)Vitamin D3 supports your immune system and strengthens bones and teeth. With 50% of the RDA in every serving, it helps address the deficiency common in the EU, where up to 60% of people lack Vitamin D. Since it doesn’t store in the body, regular intake is essential for overall health.

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Introduce your brand

Healthy Fats

Our meals are crafted with healthy fats that support heart health, brain function, and provide long-lasting energy. Sourced from nutrient-dense ingredients like sunflower seeds, these fats help regulate metabolism and ensure you’re nourished inside and out.


See What Our Customers Are Saying
EvijaFitness coach

“WISEMEAL has been a game-changer for my busy workdays! It’s quick, natural, and actually tastes good. I can replace a meal, stay full for hours, and keep my focus on point. No more afternoon slumps—it really helps me stay productive and hit my wellness goals!”

JuliaMarketing manager

“My days have been way less stressful. No more rushing to shop, meal prep, or deal with dirty dishes. Just mix WISEMEAL powder with milk (or water), and I’ve got everything I need for a balanced meal. It’s freed up so much time for me to focus on my wellness and actually enjoy quality time with friends. So easy and convenient!”


WISEMEAL piegāde visā Eiropā ar DPD starpniecību no 2,99 EUR. Izvēlieties paku skapjus vai piegādi mājās. Pasūtījumiem virs 39 EUR bez maksas!


Kasē izvēlieties “Vietējā saņemšana”. Saņem savu pasūtījumu Zaļa ielā 3, Gulbenē, Latvija. No pirmdienas līdz piektdienai no 9-17


WISEMEAL aizsākās kā ģimenes aizraušanās ar augu izcelsmes uzturu, pāraugot par misiju nodrošināt pilnvērtīgas, ērtas maltītes, kas veicina ikdienas labsajūtu.

Vispiemērotākais piedzīvojumiem brīvā dabā

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Vispiemērotākais piedzīvojumiem brīvā dabā
"Cheesy Delight" quick meal - WISEMEAL
Pārdošanā no €2,00
Vērtējums: 4.5 no 5 (2)
Ātrā maltīte ar augu proteinu un siera garšas notīm
Līdz -37%
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